
I have just heard about a tiny island called “Tuvalu”.
Tuvalu is one of the smallest countries in the world, also is the world’s smallest nation. This country was once a British colony before 1978. The population of Tuvalu people is just about 11000 and as expected they live a simple life away from anyone else in the world.
I know this country because I just realized that the Domain name,“dot tv” once belonged to Tuvalu, but was then they sold it to a California company for more than 40 million dollars:-O
One thing surprised me a lot about this country is they will probably disappear within 50 years, because they face being the first country sink into the ocean from the effects of global warming. The global warming causes rising sea levels, higher waves and flooding will wash away their island.
In the future it seems that the Tuvalu people will have to migrate to Australia or New Zealand.
Will people take the threat of global warming seriously now? We have to!
昨晚才剛從電視知道Tuvalu這坐珊瑚島是全世界最小的國家之一。以前從沒住意這小島(台灣邦交國),島上居民只有11000人左右,曾經一度是英國的殖民地,不過在1978年後脫離英國統治後既成為最小的獨立國家,而且還是聯合國之一的國家!我會住意到這國家是因為Domain name “dot tv”之前是他們的後來以高金額賣給美國公司,不過這些錢並沒有對國家幫忙很大,目前還需靠其他國家支援。