
Mr. Right is not Mr. Right if there is no mutual appreciation in the relationship. I never imagined that finding Mr. Right would be so difficult, much more difficult than earning money! Everyone’s fate is different and my previous relationships were always full of drama, and in the end came to nothing.
在男女感情中若沒有感謝、惜福、惜緣,即使是Mr.Rgiht也不是Mr.Right。從來都沒想到尋找我的Mr.Right竟然比我努力掙錢還要難,人的感情際遇大不同、而我的際遇卻是full of drama--有完沒了的上演著,搞到最後到頭來還是一場空。
I had been alone for a long time without any boyfriend.I kept myself busy in those days spending a lot time hanging around with my friends for afternoon tea and lively conversation---I had a wonderful time.
I was enjoying my single life and didn’t feel a space in my heart for a man, but in the end loneliness came knocking at the door, especially during the lonely and silent night---That kind of lonely heart is as if the spirit is being slowly corroded away.
Even though I wasn’t born as a princess I really wanted to meet my prince, that situation wouldn’t change,until Mermaid Queen met the Wolf King‧Because I knew that if I let go of the chance to meet Mr. Right, then only coldness would enter my heart。
縱使自己不是出生於什麼豪門家的千金小姐,但在選擇我的Mr.Right卻有奢華的擇偶條件--這更是緊掛在心底,不過當我『mermaid queen遇到wolf king』他時,條件就沒有是不變的條件了,因為我知道如果我再次錯放幸福溫暖的手---那這才是叫遺憾。
What a familiar feeling!
The man that I held in my dreams and entered into the church together, had a face that I didn’t know, but I could see in my mind when I woke. One day when I met him I felt so surprised, because his face was so familiar and at first couldn’t remember where I had seen him before.
多熟悉的感覺…‧It was serendipity.曾在夢裡擁抱我的Mr.Right步入禮堂,夢中那張臉我不認識,醒來卻是那麼清晰在記憶裏,直到有天我無意中遇到他時我驚疑了一下,這個人好熟悉--似曾相識的感覺但又說不出在哪見過。