16 Sept 2005

A working day


在IT部門工作有時還真的很累人,今天可是當了一個早上的搬運工,那些monitor、PC case、keyboard、winterm可不輕!serverroom又那麼冷!不過最令人驕傲的是這些LCD可是Made in Taiwan,也只有在這部門的人才知道台灣,其他部門可是把台灣當泰國認識,這真的是讓我無言!


Finally I can type in Chinese after installing the Chinese writing tool.

Indeed,It can be exhausting to work in an IT department. I have been moving some heavy stuff from the server room such as monitors, PC cases, keyboards, winterms this morning. The server room is really too cold for me, but I felt proud when I saw those LCD monitors are made in Taiwan. It is something you feel good about IT people, because they are the only people that know about Taiwan. Basically, I can say most of people from this company have never heard about Taiwan,〝they think Taiwan is Thailand. ”I really don’t know what to say about that.

Since I worked there I have found that there are many middle aged and elderly people in this company, but of course I don’t mean in the department I work in. After I have learned a little about their working style, I can see that every single department has a very different way to run their business. This is I have never seen in Taiwan before.
